• Discussion Fanatics

    A black feather is a sign of protection from yourAngels. They are here to guard you and repel negativeenergy. Read more about black feathers here.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Black and white mixed feathers canrepresent protection, or the sense of a union. Also thecontrast of the black and white shows you have some internalconflict over a problem at the moment, give all your worries overto us. Black mixed with purple represents a very deepspirituality.

    One may also ask, what does it mean when you see a black and GREY feather? Think carefully before making any bigdecisions The appearance of a grey feather could indicatethat the answer to a big decision isnt as black and whiteas youd hope.

    Beside above, what is the spiritual meaning of a feather?

    The spiritual meaning offeathers As a symbol across many cultures,feathers have always represented a connection tospiritual realms and to divinity. And because of theirconnection to birds, they have always been a symbol offlight and freedom, not just physically, but also in a mental orspiritual sense.

    What does it mean to see a white feather?

    Finding a white feather is a symbol that yourangels are near. A white feather is the most common of signssent from the angels in Heaven. And a white feather is asymbol for faith and protection. Finding a white feather canmean having a celestial message sent fromabove.

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