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    noun. a person designated to act for or represent another or others; deputy; representative, as in a political convention.

  • A delegate is a person who is chosen to vote or make decisions on behalf of a group of other people, especially at a conference or a meeting. The Canadian delegate offered no reply. Synonyms: representative, agent, deputy, ambassador More Synonyms of delegate. 2. transitive verb/intransitive verb.

    what is an example of a delegate? del·e·gate. Use delegate in a sentence. noun. The definition of a delegate is a representative authorized to speak or act for others. An example of a delegate is a politician who speaks on behalf of a group of people.

    One may also ask, what does delegate more mean?

    : a person who is chosen or elected to vote or act for others. delegate. verb. English Language Learners Definition of delegate (Entry 2 of 2) : to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone : to trust someone with (a job, duty, etc.)

    Which is the best definition for delegation?

    Delegation is the assignment of any authority to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of management leadership. However, the person who delegated the work remains accountable for the outcome of the delegated work.

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