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    Apply Liquid Fence Deer

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    Directions For Use Add 12.8 fl oz of Liquid Fence® Deer and Rabbit Repellent Concentrate2 for each gallon of water and thoroughly mix. With garden sprayer or sprinkler, apply liberally to plants and their perimeter during a dry period. Repeat process one week later and then approximately once per month thereafter.

    can you use liquid fence on vegetables? Liquid Fence, a commercially available repellent that has worked to keep hungry critters from grazing on trees and shrubs, is now labeled safe for vegetables. Rabbits may find vegetables less palatable now that Liquid Fence has been approved for use on edibles.

    Also to know, does Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent Work?

    A. Yes! Try our Liquid Fence® Dual Action Rabbit Repellent, which repels using scent like our Deer and Rabbit Repellent but has an added taste deterrent for an effective one-two punch. It works extremely well on lawns frequented by young rabbits whose sense of smell has not fully developed.

    What is in Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellent?

    Putrescent egg solids and garlic, both ingredients in Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellents, are highly effective in deterring these animals before they even browse treated vegetation.

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