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What is the real meaning of voodoo?
Voodoo is a sensationalized pop-culturecaricature of voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion that originated inHaiti, though followers can be found in Jamaica, the DominicanRepublic, Brazil, the United States and elsewhere. Voudon teachesbelief in a supreme being called Bondye, an unknowable anduninvolved creator god.
Drums are used to make most of this music. Invoodoo people often believe that a spirit is in their bodyand controlling the body. Having a spirit come into is wanted, andimportant. This spirit can speak for the gods or dead people youlove, and can also help to heal or do magic.
Additionally, what is the difference between Vodou and voodoo? In A Nutshell Voodoo is a religion that has two markedlydifferent branches: Haitian Vodou and LouisianaVodoun. Hoodoo is neither a religion, nor a denomination of areligion—it is a form of folk magic that originated in WestAfrica and is mainly practiced today in the Southern UnitedStates.
Similarly, it is asked, what is the origin of Voodoo?
Voodoo originated in the West Indies country ofHaiti during the French Colonial Period, and it is still widelypracticed in Haiti today. The foundations of Voodoo are thetribal religions of West Africa, brought to Haiti by slaves in theseventeenth century.
What is a person that practices voodoo called?
Voodoo has male priests called *houngansand female priestesses called *mambo. Additionally there are*bokor, practitioners of black magic and sorcery who are looselytied to Voodoo. There is little hierarchical control andeach houngan, mambo and bokor operates in relativeindependence.
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