I must say it's a v helpful video for those who want to travel in a budget!
What is meant by unforeseen circumstances?
A “circumstance” is a situation. An “unforeseen circumstance” is a situation that the party did not see coming. It was not expected. This phrase is used when the ordinary course of things or plans that have been made are regrettably altered or cancelled due to something happening that wasn't expected.
unforeseen Sentence Examples
- But during the first few weeks I was confronted with unforeseen difficulties.
- Education produced many unforeseen and undesirable practical results.
- But he was prevented from carrying out this policy by an unforeseen blow, the Sicilian Vespers (March 1282), an event important both in itself and in its results.
what does due to circumstances mean? used in official statements for explaining that something unexpected has happened that will prevent an event or situation from continuing normally. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been forced to close the exhibition for the next two days.
Besides, what is the meaning of unforseen?
Definition of unforeseen. : not anticipated or expected : not foreseen : unexpected an unforeseen delay unforeseen consequences.
What are external circumstances?
adj. 1 of, situated on, or suitable for the outside; outer. 2 coming or acting from without. external evidence from an independent source. 3 of or involving foreign nations; foreign.
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