• How to take care of Mohair sweaters

    1. Soak in tepid water using mild detergent recommended for washing wool or even hair shampoo.
    2. Very gently agitate by hand to dislodge dirt particles. Do not agitate unduly.
    3. Rinse in clean, cool water.
    4. Hang or lay flat to dry (mohair dries quite quickly).
  • Discussion Fanatics

    Mohair Care Instructions

    1. Soak in tepid water using mild detergent recommended for washing wool.
    2. Gently agitate by hand to dislodge any dirt particles.
    3. Rinse in clean, cool water and spin to rid excess water.
    4. Hang over a line or lay flat to dry (mohair dries quite quickly).

    Secondly, how do you maintain a sweater? Steps

    1. Fold your sweaters.
    2. Remove pills from your sweaters regularly to keep them looking presentable.
    3. Remove dandruff, hair and lint regularly.
    4. Repair the sweater quickly.
    5. Give your favorite sweater a break.
    6. Wash most sweaters by hand.
    7. Treat cashmere and other delicates very carefully.

    Accordingly, how do you fluff up mohair?

    To fluff up your garment, lightly shake or gently brush down by hand. Your mohair item can be cleaned by a reputable dry cleaner, or you can wash it yourself by following these simple steps: Soak in tepid water using mild detergent recommended for washing wool, or even hair shampoo.

    How do you take care of a knitted sweater?

    Sweater Care: 10 Tips for a Long and Happy Life with Your Favorite Knits

    1. Wash your sweaters every 3-5 wears.
    2. Follow the garments care labels.
    3. Let your sweaters air dry.
    4. Fold your sweaters to store them.
    5. If you need to hang them, heres how.
    6. Make an itchy sweater impossibly soft.
    7. Remove pilling like a pro.

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tepid water mild detergent detergent recommended care sweater

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