• The Lawn Mower 2.0

    This is a cordless, rust-resistant, waterproof trimmer with a built-in rechargeable battery that will run for about 60 minutes from a full charge (via a USB charging cord like a cell phone).

  • Discussion Fanatics

    A: When charging the Lawn Mower 2.0, the LED light will go from flashing to a solid light once charged. Make sure to charge the device at least 5 hours after receiving it and once it has died it again will take 5 hours to fully charge up again to full battery power.

    Likewise, how does the lawn mower 2.0 work? Unlike that Wahl hair trimmer meant to give you a fade, The Lawn Mower 2.0 was designed to be used on the most sensitive parts of your body and features a “skinsafe” anti-nick feature that prevents nicks and cuts to your groin.

    Secondly, can you use the lawn mower 2.0 on your balls?

    Tangle-Free Testicles You need a device that doesnt tug, pull, nick, or scrape at your scrotum. You need The Lawn Mower 2.0. The Lawn Mower 2.0 doesnt have those painful circular razors. Nope!

    Is Lawn Mower 2.0 waterproof?

    The 2.0 is completely waterproof. If youre going to manscape in the shower anyways, you might as well do it with the best trimmer you can get.

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