• Discussion Fanatics

    We're giving away FREE emergency contraception (sometimes known as “Plan B” or the “morning after pill”). All you have to do is come to our parking lot “drive-thru” on Saturday, June 22nd and we will bring it right to your car! You can keep it on hand in case you need it.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    You can buy Plan B at your local CVS or online. Look for it in the family planning aisle or ask your pharmacist if you dont see any on the shelf. You do not need an ID or a prescription to purchase Plan B, but it is sometimes stocked behind the counter.

    Similarly, is the generic Plan B as effective? Plan B One-Step and generic levonorgestrel work best if you take them within 3 days after sex, but they may work up to 5 days after sex. Thats why experts say you should use it as soon as possible after having sex.

    Accordingly, is Plan B on the shelf?

    No prescription. No ID. Plan B emergency contraception is stocked on the shelves of major retailers like CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target, Walmart, and more. You can also buy it online, and get it shipped to your door in 4-6 days.

    Is Plan B on the shelf at Walmart?

    Plan B is emergency contraception. It has fewer side effects than many of the over-the-counter pills that are sold at Walmart, and it is supposed to be available to anyone who is 17 or older without a prescription. The only catch is that drug stores keep Plan B behind the pharmacy counter.

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