Its not that hard.
Half of the inch part is 1/2 inch which is also 4/8.
half of the 3/4 part is 3/8 you get by multiplying the denominator by 2.
Put it all back together and you get the 4/8 part and the 3/8 part so in total its 7/8 of an inch.
The lifehack answer: Dump the 1/3 of a cup into a 1/2 cup and fill it up. If all you have is a 1/3 cup then you can get 1/2 cup by adding 1/3 a half of 1/3.
We can see from the previous calculations that 13 is equal to 26 , and that 16 is half of 26 , so, in order to make 12 cup you need a whole 13 cup plus half of it.
Additionally, how many one thirds are in a cup? three
Accordingly, how many thirds make a half?
Each whole yields a two-thirds and one half of another two-thirds, therefore 3 sets of two-thirds can be made. and we can see that there are 2 wholes with 3 thirds in each whole, so there are 2 imes 3 thirds in 2.
How many 1/3 makes a whole?
Three 1/3s make a whole.