Ruy Lopez de Villalobos named Leyte and Samar after King Philip II in 1542 and the name soon came to be used for the complete island chain. Magellan who discovered the Islands in 1521 called them San Lazaro.
How do Spanish last names work when married?
Your first last name is your father's first last name. Your second last name is your mother's first last name. Women do not change their last names when they get married.
In Spain, upon marrying, one does not change ones surname. In some instances, such as high society meetings, the partners surname can be added after the persons surnames using the preposition de (of).
Similarly, how do Spanish last names work? Surnames. In Spanish cultures, people traditionally have 2 surnames. The first is the paternal surname (apellido paterno), the fathers first surname, and the second is the maternal surname (apellido materno), the mothers first surname.
One may also ask, how do Mexican last names work when married?
In addition to the first name(s), a person is given two apellidos (last names). One other important aspect of the Mexican naming system is the way in which apellidos are exchanged through marriage. Usually the wife will drop her second apellido and replace it with her husband´s first apellido.
Why does the woman take the mans last name in marriage?
Traditionally, a married woman keeps her name unchanged, without adopting her husbands surname. A child would inherit the fathers surname. It is also common for two children born to the same parents to take different surnames, one after the father and the other after the mother.
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