Guinea-Bissau is country code 245.Landlines begin with 245 3.Mobiles begin with 245 5, 245 6, or 245 7.(The plus sign means insert your international access prefix here. From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
Who was the Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau in 2010?
Who was the Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau in 2010?
Carlos Domingos Gomes Junior was the Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau in 2010.Gomes once again became the Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau on 2009 January 2. This was his second time as Prime Minister. Gomes was also Prime Minister from 2004 May 10 to 2005 November 2, but he was dismissed over an inability to work with President Vieira.In 2007, Gomes accused Vieira of complicity in the assassination of Mohamed Sanha, a Navy official. When attempts were made to arrest Gomes for the statements, Gomes fled to the UN building for sanctuary. The charges were later dropped.In 2008 Gomes was once again elected. Vieira appointed Gomes as the Prime Minister, stating that the two would put aside personal differences. However, shortly after on 2009 March 2, Vieira was assassinated by the military. In 2010, there was military unrest, and Gomes was put under house arrest by the military. After several months, Gomes returned to the position, though democracy and stability both remain shaky in Guinea Bissau.
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