You can pay your Comenity Bank credit card online, over the phone, or via mail. Just keep in mind that each credit card issued by Comenity has a different sign-in portal, as well as a different customer service phone number. And payment addresses can vary as well.
How do I apply for a Sears credit card?
1. Choose Your Method of Application
- You can apply for a Sears Citi credit card or Sears Mastercard online or in person at a Sears or Kmart store.
- For questions, call Sears Credit Card Services at 1-800-815-7701.
- The terms and conditions are located at the bottom of the online application form.
Also Know, how do I make a payment on my Sears card? You can pay your Sears MasterCard by phone, 24/7. Call the Sears Credit Card Services toll-free number at 800-815-7701, and follow the prompts to make a payment. You can also opt for a customer service representative to assist you.
Accordingly, is it hard to get approved for a Sears credit card?
Approval Requirements and Application Because the Sears Card is issued by Citibank, the requirements are a little more restrictive than other store cards issued through Synchrony Financial. The average user reports needing at least a fair credit rating to be approved, which is typically a credit score above 650.
Where can you use Sears credit card?
The Sears Card can only be used at Sears locations and services, as well as Kmart. This includes Sears Auto Centers, Sears Dental, and Sears Optical. The Shop Your Way Mastercard can be used anywhere Mastercard is accepted, which is pretty much everywhere.
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