• Discussion Fanatics

    The flight time from Houston to New Orleans is 58 minutes. The time spent in the air is 44 minutes. The flight distance from Houston to New Orleans is 302 Miles.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    The driving time from Houston TX to New Orleans LA The driving time from Houston to New Orleans is approximately 5 hours and 29 minutes without intermediate stops and traffic jams. Road has length 348 miles and goes through Beaumont, Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, Cove, Vidor, Sulphur and Iowa.

    Furthermore, how far is it from Houston to New Orleans? 317.74 miles

    Correspondingly, how long is a flight from New Orleans to Texas?

    The total flight duration from New Orleans, LA to Dallas, TX is 1 hour, 9 minutes. This is the average in-air flight time (wheels up to wheels down on the runway) based on actual flights taken over the past year, including routes like MSY to DAL.

    How can I get from Houston to New Orleans?

    The best way to get from Houston to New Orleans is to fly which takes 3h 43m and costs - . Alternatively, you can bus, which costs - and takes 7h, you could also train, which costs - and takes 9h 30m.

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