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    Tropicana Pure Premium® Calcium Vitamin D is a delicious, convenient way to get more calcium and vitamin D in your diet! It is 100% pure orange juice with added Calcium and Vitamin D.

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    Calcium-fortified orange juice An 8-ounce glass of this citrus juice provides 350 milligrams of the bone-building nutrient. Plus, it contains 25 percent of your daily vitamin D, a nutrient thats essential for calcium absorption.

    does milk or orange juice have more calcium? ORANGE JUICE VS MILK: In this debate, milk wins. This is because firstly, milk is full of calcium and hence strengthen your teeth. Orange juice, as mentioned before, can ruin your enamel. Secondly, milk fills you up more than a glass orange juice due to the amount of satisfactory protein in it.

    Also asked, what kind of calcium is in orange juice?

    The calcium found in orange juice and other fortified juices is a mixed form called calcium citrate malate (CCM) and it was patented in the late 1980s. Supplements containing calcium carbonate are generally derived from oyster shells— plentiful and therefore inexpensive.

    Is Orange Juice Vitamin C or D?

    Vitamin C is commonly found in orange juice. Potassium, folate and thiamin are also in orange juice. Fortified orange juices like Simply Orange Medium Pulp with Calcium and Vitamin D contain other important vitamins like calcium and vitamin D.

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food and drink non alcoholic beverages orange juice orange calcium vitamin juice

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