Mexico and Canada . Inset map and legend are the elements.
What is 2.4 inches on a ruler?
To convert 2.4 inches into the fractions used on a measuring tape, multiply the decimal by 16. For example 0.4 times 16 is 6.4, or approximately 6/16ths of an inch.
10 tenths
Subsequently, question is, what makes up an inch on a ruler? Get an inch ruler. You will know it is an inch ruler because it will have 12 lines that denote inches on the ruler. 12 inches equals 1 foot (0.305 m). Each foot is broken down into inches. Each inch is broken down into 15 smaller marks, equaling 16 marks in total for each inch on the ruler.
what is the decimal equivalent of 1/4 inch?
Thus the decimal value of 14 is 0.25.
What is a one tenth?
Noun. 1. one-tenth - a tenth part; one part in ten equal parts. ten percent, tenth, tenth part. common fraction, simple fraction - the quotient of two integers.
What is discussplaces?

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