AnswerHi, Hungary was an ally of Germany, with long standing traditional ties to Germanspeaking Europe, as well as hereditary animosity with her slavic neighbours.She lost much of her territory as a consequence of WWI, and was determined to regain it.Thus, it was in her interest to support German aggression against Czechoslovakia (since she wanted Slovakia back), against Poland (she wanted Ruthenia back) and she needed Germanys support against Romania (she wanted, and received, Transsyvania back). She also participated in the aggression against Yugoslavia with Germany, to retake the B�cs-Kiskun area. All of the areas reaten this way had been formerly Hungarian soil, containing large Hungarian minorities (but a majority of slavic or Romanian people).Domestically, Hungary had a right wing government, replaced during the war (october 44) by a fascist Dictatorship (supported by Germany). Her political ties was stronger with Italy than with Germany, but Germany was the stronger party.Having obtained her territorial demands, Hungary showed considerably less enthusiasm for being drawn into the global conflict. Only under hesitation did she contribute to the war in the east, initially around 65 000 men but after German pressure she sent about 250 000 men. In the Soviet January offensive in 43 Hungary lost 148 000 of these and her armed forces were pulled out of the line, to serve in rear areas.The front eventually reached the borders of Hungary, but unlike Romania, Hungary never surrendered but fought until VE day on the German side. Or on her own side, whichever way one wants to see it.After the war Hungary was turned into a one party state under Soviet supervision, and after the 56 revolt brought under strict Soviet control.Hope that helps someSincerelyTommyAnswerIt should be taken into consideration that Hungarian citizens wanted nothing to do with war, it was entirely political, and that they had no choice .
The soccer war between el salvador and Honduras?
The soccer war between el salvador and Honduras?
The war wasnt a football war, it is just called that way because during that time, there was an extremely important football match that El Salvador war. It was caused mainly by the tensions between the borders of both countries. There was a great number of salvadorians living in Honduras and the salvadorian economy was better. The war was pretty short.
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