There are 7.48051948 gallons in a cubic foot. To convert cubic feet to gallons, multiply the cubic foot value by 7.48051948. For example, to find out how many gallons in a cubic foot and a half, multiply 1.5 by 7.48051948, that makes 11.22 gallons in a cubic foot and a half.
Also Know, how many quarts are in a cubic foot of soil? There are about 25 and 3/4 dry quarts in a cubic foot. A 20 dry quarts package of potting soil is approximately 3/4 of a cubic foot.
Keeping this in view, how many gallons are in a cubic foot of potting soil?
Three dry quarts is equivalent to one-eighth of a cubic foot. So 1 cubic foot of potting soil will fill about eight 1-gallon pots. A 12-gallon pot will take 1.5 cubic feet of dry potting soil.
How many gallons of soil is 2 cubic feet?
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Conversions Table 2 Cubic Feet to Gallons (u.s. Dry) = 12.857 80 Cubic Feet to Gallons (u.s. Dry) = 514.2809 3 Cubic Feet to Gallons (u.s. Dry) = 19.2855 90 Cubic Feet to Gallons (u.s. Dry) = 578.566