• Discussion Fanatics

    You can declare a static variable in a C function. This variable is only visible in the function however it behaves like a global in that it is only initialized once and it retains its value. In this example, everytime you call foo() it will print an increasing number. The static variable is initialized only once.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    It is a static variable so you wont need any object of class in order to access it. Its final so the value of this variable can never be changed in the current or in any class.

    Beside above, can global variables be changed in C? Global Variables They are not limited to any function. Any function can access and modify global variables. Global variables are automatically initialized to 0 at the time of declaration. Global variables are generally written before main() function.

    Also asked, can we change value of static variable in C?

    again, reason is static variable is initialized once, when next time main() is called it will not be initialize to 5 because it is already initialized in the program.So we can change the value but can not reinitialized. Thats how static variable works.

    What does static variable mean in C?

    static is an access qualifier that limits the scope but causes the variable to exist for the lifetime of the program. This means a static variable is one that is not seen outside the function in which it is declared but which remains until the program terminates.

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technology and computing programming languages static variable variable global variables static global

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