OBE or Officer of the British Empire is the Second rank of membership into the Order of the British Empire, an honour awarded by the British Monarch.It is usually awarded for outstanding service to the community or for excellence in a particular area such as sport, art or entertainment in the UK or in the Commonwealth, however some commonwealth nations might have theyre own individual Orders.It is sometimes awarded to Officers of HMs Armed Forces for spectacular service in conflict which wouldnt be awarded with a gallantry medal, Enlisted personell may be awarded the MBE or Member of the Order of the British Empire for Similar actsRanks of the Most Excellent Order of the British EmpireMBE: MemberOBE: OfficerCBE: CommanderKBE or DBE: Knight or Dame Commander (gains the title siror dame)GBE: Knight or Dame Grand CrossIf anyone says this might mean an out of body experience check the Catagory of the question.
What is OBE in texting?
OBE. Overcome By Events. Online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, blogs, and newsgroup postings, these types of abbreviations are also referred to as chat acronyms.
OBE stands for Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. An MBE is Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
Similarly, what does OBE stand for in information technology? OBE. Out-Board Electronics. showing only Information Technology definitions (show all 36 definitions)
Also Know, does OBE mean obsolete?
OBE (not comparable) Initialism of overcome / overtaken by events (i.e., now obsolete)
Whats OBE stand for?
Like a CBE, an OBE is an order of the British Empire award. It is the second highest ranking Order of the British Empire award, behind CBE but ahead of MBE. It stands for Officer of the Order of the British Empire (as opposed to Commander for a CBE and Member for an MBE).
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