• Discussion Fanatics

    You just need to pay the cost for the lenses. As I know that the price for the frame in Walmart starting as cheap as and they go up to . As to the lenses, the cheapest lenses are plastic (as expected) for only . The lenses have no coatings on them.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    In Summary While the frame replacement policy varies by store, most Walmart Vision Centers will put your old lenses into new frames. At stores that do offer this service, you can replace your frames at no additional cost — youll only pay for the cost of the new frames.

    Beside above, how much do lenses cost at Walmart? The lenses at Walmart start at . And if you want higher index lenses, bifocal lenses, progressive lenses or free form progressive lens, you have to pay more.

    In this regard, how much does it cost to put lenses in frames?

    Custom lenses from Lensabl cost from to today. For now the company only sells in the U.S. If your prescription is really complicated, like you need bifocals that have amber transitional lenses and are very thin, it costs a bit more than a straightforward clear prescription lens or non-prescription shades.

    Can you put prescription lenses in any frame?

    Other types of frames still cant be made to hold any type of prescription lens, as the grooves on prescription lenses result in a lot of different kinds of cheaper frames being incompatible with them. Thus, you can only put your prescription lenses in frames that are compatible with them.

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