• Discussion Fanatics

    The hexadecimal color #35530a is a color green whose writing is rgb(53, 83, 10) either 21% of red, 33% of green, 4% of blue; the HSL value is hsl(60, 200%, 47%) either a shade of 60°, a saturation of 200% and a brightness of 47%; the CMYK value is cmyk(36, 0, 88, 67) either 36% of cyan, 0% of magenta, 88% of yellow and

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Sometimes army green is called khaki, olive, or simply green. Its earthy and rich as well as it matches with a lot of skin colors. Matching tops to this green is challenging. Other than black, color options are white, tan, camel, pink, and light or medium gray.

    Likewise, is mint green or blue? Mint blue is actually a mix of both blue and green. But as the name suggests, in everyday use mint blue is more likely to be considered a shade of blue than green.

    Similarly, it is asked, what is the color code for Navy?

    ? ?????? ?????????? ????????: #000080

    Which Colour is olive green?

    Olive is a kind of muddy green color. In actuality, it is really a shade of dark yellow (when gray or black is added to yellow, the various shades of the color olive are produced). Some dark shades of olive can also be made by mixing a darker color (like brown) with green.

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books and literature fiction green color blue olive green color

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