El Salvador means The Savior.
What is the meaning of affluent family?
: having plenty of money and expensive things : wealthy an affluent family.
n an affluent person; a person who is financially well off “the so-called emerging affluents” Type of: have, rich person, wealthy person. a person who possesses great material wealth. 2.
Beside above, how do you use affluent in a sentence? affluent Sentence Examples. it is joined by its second great affluent, the Vaal. He also had little sleep, as much from partying with the temporarily affluent Mrs. Worthington as concern over Marthas cross country flight from the law.
Also to know is, what is the best synonym for affluent?
Synonyms for affluent
- moneyed.
- prosperous.
- rich.
- upscale.
- well-off.
- well-to-do.
- flush.
- loaded.
What W is having wealth or being very affluent?
Dont be misled into thinking riches means only money — to many people, to have a healthy family and to be surrounded by love is to be abundantly wealthy. The Old English word wela, via the Middle English welth, meaning happiness and prosperity in abundance, is the source of our noun wealth.
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