Where is Rwanda?
Rwanda is located in Africa.
As an African country, Rwanda is considered to be in both the Eastern Region and Central Region of Africa. Four other African countries border Rwanda. The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, and Burundi surround Rwanda.
The GPS coordinates of Rwanda indicate where Rwanda is on a map. With a latitude of 1.9403° S, Rwanda is positioned below the equator, in the southern hemisphere. The country’s longitude is 29.8739° E, which places Rwanda in the eastern hemisphere.
To the north, Rwanda extends as far as a latitude of 01°03' S. This latitudinal coordinate is just south of the city of Kagitumba. Interestingly enough, Kagitumba is the exact point where Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda diverge. The southernmost point of Rwanda is situated along the border that separates Rwanda from Burundi. Just outside of the city of Butare, this southern extremity is found in the district of Nyaruguru. Positioned right along the border between Rwanda and Burundi, the latitude of this point is 02°51' S.
The most extreme point of Rwanda to the east is located along the border that Rwanda shares with Tanzania. As the 88th most eastern point of all countries in the world, Rwanda’s easternmost point has a longitude of 30°53' E, placing this specific point of extremity in the country’s Eastern Province. In the opposite direction, the westernmost point of Rwanda lies along the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Positioned at a longitude of 28°52' E, the most extreme point of western Rwanda is in the country’s Kisoro District.
Rwanda is a country of 10,169 square miles. The total area of Rwanda is roughly 94% of land areas and 6% of water sources. Going from percentages to numerical values, the land of Rwanda takes up 9,524 square miles of the total area. Water regions account for only 645 square miles of Rwanda’s total square mileage. As a country of twenty-four communes and forty-seven cantons, or states, Rwanda is 268.47 miles long and 303.26 miles wide.
The population of Rwanda has reached a record number of 12,658,566 people, though this number is predicted to increase in no time, as populations do. As of now, the current population is 0.17% of the entire population on Earth.
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