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    Learn Spanish Adjectives

     English adjective   **noun** **Spanish** **noun**   adjective   **singular**, masculine one handsome man un hombre **guapo**   **singular**, feminine one handsome woman una mujer **guapa**   **plural**, masculine two handsome men dos hombres guapos   **plural**, feminine two handsome women dos mujeres **guapas**
  • Discussion Fanatics

    So guapas is the plural form for guapa.

    Also Know, what is a Guapa? I soon found out Guapa, (or Guapo, if the word is said to a man), means Beautiful or Handsome in English. But most Spaniards will tell you, it is often used not just to mean beautiful or handsome, but also to mean a kind of beauty or handsomeness that is also very sexy.

    Similarly, you may ask, what is the plural form of simpatico in Spanish?

    Youll need the plural form of Simpático/a. Remember: if a group of people is a mix of men and women youll use the masculine form of the noun. However, if the people or group are only female, then we use the plural feminine noun.

    How do you make facil plural?

    With respect to facil there is no separate feminine form and the plural is faciles as in easy jobs = tareas faciles.

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plural form plural handsome spanish form

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