According to the sources on the internet; Food rich in Proteins, vitamin and minerals can make a person grow taller. Some foods reduce the activity of the human growth hormones that make you grow tall. So those foods must be excluded from your diet. Those foods include carbohydrates and fats.
One may also ask, can meat help you grow taller? A new research has indicated that feeding protein-rich foods to infants may help them grow taller early on. The results of the study which were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pointed out some protein-rich food alternatives to baby formula in the form of pureed meats, like pork.
Similarly, which food helps to increase height?
Your diet should include:
fresh fruits.
fresh vegetables.
whole grains.
How can I sleep to grow taller?
The following are some helpful tips on how to sleep with appropriate posture.
Sleep on a comfortable and firm mattress.
Sleep on your back with a flat pillow under your knees.
Sleep on your side with your knees bent.
Do not use a high pillow.
Do not sleep face-down.