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How much are French bulldogs in California?
French Bulldog Puppies for sale in California
Owner Age **Price** xkeith85 Littlerock, **CA** 93543 8 Weeks ,500 xkeith85 Littlerock, **CA** 93543 8 Weeks ,500 xkeith85 Littlerock, **CA** 93543 8 Weeks ,000 xkeith85 Littlerock, **CA** 93543 8 Weeks ,500
The current median price of French Bulldogs in California is ,749.50. This is the price you can expect to pay for the French Bulldog breed without breeding rights. If you require a pup with breeding rights or for show quality with a top pedigree then expect to pay from ,400 upwards to ,000 or even more.
Subsequently, question is, how much should a French bulldog cost? On average, you can expect to pay between ,500-,000. According to NextDayPets, the average price for all French Bulldogs sold is ,200. The French Bulldog price increases even more for dogs with an exceptional breeding history. Prices for top-quality dogs with outstanding breed lines can range from ,500-,000.
Also asked, why is the French Bulldog so expensive?
The high price is due to all the expenses needed for breeding a French Bulldog. To breed, they require artificial insemination and c-sections to give birth which costs breeders anywhere from ,000 to ,000.
Where can I find a French Bulldog breeder?
Your best bet to find a French Bulldog puppy is to use the Online Breeder Classifieds on the AKC website to find local breeders near you. Please understand that you may have to drive several hundred miles in order to find a reputable, safe, and dependable breeder to purchase your French Bulldog.
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