• Discussion Fanatics

    I pour this solution into my eyes like eye drops ,whenever irritation occurs due to my contact lens. This is safe and does not have any side effects. Biotrue multi-purpose solution is indicated as a rub regimen, and this is the preferred method of cleaning recommended by eye care practitioners.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    NO! Do not do it. Unless you mean saline solution, the regular contact solution contains enzymes that are designed to break down the proteins in your eyes that have adhered to your contact lenses. So it is very very bad for your eyes!

    One may also ask, is biotrue a good contact solution? Biotrue Contact Lens Solution is excellent! It cleans disposable contacts (mine are 2 week lenses) thoroughly. Your lenses need to soak for just a minimum of 4 hours before theyre ready to wear. Biotrues lens case is an obvious improvement because you can use less solution to store the lenses.

    Herein, can you rinse eyes with biotrue?

    - Step 1 Place at least 3 drops of Biotrue on each side of lens surface and gently rub for 20 seconds. - Step 2: Thoroughly rinse each side of the lens for 5 seconds with Biotrue. - Step 3: Place cleaned contact lenses in the lens case and fill with fresh Biotrue. Soak at least 4 hours.

    What is multi purpose solution?

    Multipurpose solution is an all-in-one care system used to clean, rinse, disinfect, and store soft contact lenses. This solution is the most commonly used care system among soft contact lens wearers. Follow these steps for proper use of multipurpose solution: A multipurpose solution bottle and case.

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medical health eye and vision conditions solution biotrue contact lens contact lens

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