• Discussion Fanatics

    The general rule for rotation of an object 90 degrees is (x, y) --------

  • Discussion Fanatics

    rotation. Rotation is the process or act of turning or circling around something. An example of rotation is the earths orbit around the sun. An example of rotation is a group of people holding hands in a circle and walking in the same direction.

    Similarly, what are the different types of rotation? There are four types of geometric transformations:

    • Translation - movement of the object without rotating it or changing its size.
    • Reflection - flipping the object about a line of reflection.
    • Rotation - rotating a figure about a point.
    • Dilation - changing the size of a figure without changing its essential shape.

    Regarding this, what is the formula for a rotation?

    180 degrees is (-a, -b) and 360 is (a, b). 360 degrees doesnt change since it is a full rotation or a full circle. Also this is for a counterclockwise rotation. If you want to do a clockwise rotation follow these formulas: 90 = (b, -a); 180 = (-a, -b); 270 = (-b, a); 360 = (a, b).

    What is a rotation in math?

    A rotation is a transformation that turns a figure about a fixed point called the center of rotation. • An object and its rotation are the same shape and size, but the figures may be turned in different directions. • Rotations may be clockwise or counterclockwise.

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