• Discussion Fanatics

    Zombies Der Eisendrache - All Easter Egg Steps

    1. Step 1 - Build the PaP.
    2. Step 2 - Activate the Pyramid.
    3. Step 3 - Build the Wrath of the Ancients.
    4. Step 4 - Upgrade the Bow to Electric, Wolf, Fire and Void forms.
    5. Step 7 - Shoot the Wisps.
    6. Step 8 - Go back in time.
    7. Step 9 - Use Death Ray and Computer Terminal.
    8. Step 10 - Open the safe.
  • Discussion Fanatics

    Having your game on UNRANKED will automatically require all 4 bows for the Easter Egg, no matter how many players you have in the game, so make sure to switch it to RANKED before you start.

    Also Know, can you do der Eisendrache Easter egg solo? Zombies Der Eisendrache - All Easter Egg Steps. There is also a massive Death Ray machine that forms a large part of the Easter Egg. As always, some of this Easter Egg is achievable SOLO and I will warn you when you need 4 players for a particular step.

    Also, do you need to build all bows for Der Eisendrache Easter egg?

    You only need 1 upgraded bow to start the egg (wisps), but you need all bows in order to complete the egg.

    Can the shadows of evil ee be done solo?

    Zombies Shadows of Evil - All Easter Egg Steps. However, once you kill the Shadow Man the next part of the Easter Egg (Giant Gateworm) only appears in co-op. Just because you can solo up to the Shadow Man dont be fooled into thinking that its particularly easy because its certainly not.

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