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    Red Fescue (Festuca rubra).

    This is one of the two creeping type fescues in the No Mow Lawn Mix. Creeping fescues do not form a thick thatch layer. However, they are not tolerant to heavy traffic and do not respond well to close mowing. Red fescue is one of the most shade tolerant turf grasses.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Cultivation. Creeping red fescue requires little maintenance once established. It can be mowed (typically to 1 to 2 inches in height) or left unmowed.

    Also, how do you kill creeping red fescue? Unfortunately, Creeping Red Fescue is even difficult to control with Glyphosate (Round Up). Either treat the patches at least three times with Glyphosate over a two month period (treat whenever the Fescue starts to recover) or dig the patches out and replace the soil and turf-grass.

    In this manner, how fast does creeping red fescue grow?

    Establishment of Red Fescue Grass Seed ft. Overseeding: 4 lbs per 1000 sq. ft. Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 ; with germination in 7- 21 days.

    Is red fescue the same as tall fescue?

    The Tall Fescue grass species is a coarser bladed, dense clumping grass that grows well in shady areas. The Fine Fescues are fine, shorter fescue grass varieties named creeping red, hard fescue, chewings fescue and sheep fescue.

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red fescue fescue creeping red red fescue grass

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