Yes, Puerto Rico is a United States Commonwealth, so a person born there is a natural born US citizen, so provided he meet the other requirements for President, a Puerto Rican born on the island or anywhere else in the U.S. could hold the office.
How do you say wepa?
Wepa is more an exclamation than a word. It is yelled to express joy and utter happiness. Puerto Ricans will yell it nasally and hold the “e” and “a” for a long time.
Wepa is a versatile Latin-American Spanish slang exclamation used to express excitement, congratulations, and joy, similar to the English Oh yeah!, Wow!, or Thats awesome!. Related words: awesomesauce. radass.
Likewise, how do Puerto Rico greet each other? You can give a frim handshake or you can nod you head. Men from Puerto Rico greet their close friends with an embrace. Women greet each other with a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Then, how do you say hello in Puerto Rico?
You will find some common phrases that they use including some phrases that are exclusive to Puerto Rico.
Learning To Speak Puerto Rican Spanish?
- Hello: Kes-Lah-Keh (literal translation is whats up/whats going on.
- Thats Cool: Esta Bien Kangri! (
- Youre the man: Estas Bien Brutal!
What does Chacho mean in Puerto Rico?
chacho. Usually used as a conjunction to bridge between thoughts) - It comes from muchacho, which means guy, or more closely related to man in English slang, as in hey man, whats up. Acho and Chacho are both abbreviations of the same word.
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