• Discussion Fanatics

    There are 2 more kinds of organizational substructures - centralized and decentralized. Microsoft is a clear example of a centralized company. This is more commonly used in small companies as there is a small amount of people therefore control is very easy with only 1 person.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    McDonalds is a prime example of centralized management and standardization. The exact same number of pickles is put on each burger no matter where you are in the world. Airlines do this too – you will get the exact same brand of bottled water on every airplane in the same brand.

    Furthermore, is Samsung centralized or decentralized? Samsung uses centralized strategy. Samsung makes minor modification to its products and ship it to other countries.

    In respect to this, what is better centralized or decentralized systems?

    Centralized organizational structures rely on one individual to make decisions and provide direction for the company. Decentralized organizations rely on a team environment at different levels in the business. Individuals at each level in the business may have some autonomy to make business decisions.

    Is Target centralized or decentralized?

    Target is a highly centralized company. All decisions are made at headquarters in Minnesota. The proposed division with its own decentralized authority could meet much opposition. Coordination with headquarters over goals and strategies would help alleviate the problem.

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business and finance executive leadership and management centralized centralized company target centralized samsung company

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