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What does the pearl of great price symbolize?
pearl of great price. A phrase from one of the parables of Jesus; he compares the journey to heaven to a search for fine pearls conducted by a merchant, “who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.”
Matthew is using a variety of similes for the kingdom of heaven…a pearl is a perfect simile because a fine pearl is a valuable treasure that needs no polishing or cutting by man. It comes to us complete and lustrous created by God through nature, as is the kingdom of heaven, which only God could create and perfect.
Secondly, where does the pearl of great price come from? The Pearl of Great Price includes extracts from Joseph Smiths Translation (inspired version) of the Bible as well as a translation of some Egyptian papyri containing the writings of the prophet Abraham, excerpts from Joseph Smiths testimony and history, and the Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Consequently, is Jesus the pearl of great price?
The Parable of the Pearl (also called the Pearl of Great Price) is one of the parables of Jesus. It appears in Matthew 13:45-46 and illustrates the great value of the Kingdom of Heaven.
What does the parable of the pearl teach us?
The Pearl is a parable, a moral lesson, about gratitude and the dangers of greed. Because parables offer a moral lesson, being grateful for the things one already has serves as the theme.
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