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    Siliceous sponge. They are characterized by spicules made out of silicon dioxide, unlike calcareous sponges. Individual siliachoates (silica skeleton scaffolding) can be arranged tightly within the sponginocyte or crosshatched and fused together. Siliceous spicules come in two sizes called megascleres and microscleres.

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    Based on the number of axis present in the rays spicules may be of three types: monoaxon, triaxon and polyaxon. Monaxon: These spicules grow along a single axis.

    Similarly, what are spicules in biology? Spicules are structural elements found in most sponges. They provide structural support and deter predators. Large spicules that are visible to the naked eye are referred to as megascleres, while smaller, microscopic ones are termed microscleres.

    Herein, what are calcareous spicules?

    Calcareous spicules, characteristic of the Calcarea, are composed chiefly of calcium carbonate in crystalline forms; e.g., calcite, aragonite. Most calcareous spicules have one axis (monoaxon), which is usually pointed at both ends; these spicules are called oxeas.

    What are spicules made of?

    Some spicules are formed of the mineralized substances calcium carbonate and silica, while others are made of an organic substance called spongin. Spongin skeletons were and are used as scrubbers in bathtubs, though they are fairly expensive.

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