The prize of benzine in the Netherlands at the moment (july 2008) is around € 1,60 (euros).
What is the market value of gold per ounce?
Gold Price Today
**Gold** Spot **Price** Spot Change **Gold Price per Ounce** ,639.30 0.06% **Gold Price per** Gram .70 0.06% **Gold Price per** Kilo ,704.72 0.06%
The price of an ounce of gold hit an all-time record of ,895 on Sept.
Furthermore, are gold prices up? If one is simply looking to purchase gold for the lowest price possible, gold bars will often be the most cost-efficient way to buy gold bullion.
Live Metal Spot Price (24hrs) Feb 19, 2020 at 20:37 EST.
Gold Spot Prices Today Change Gold Price Per Ounce $ 1,611.01 8.19 Gold Price Per Gram $ 51.8 0.26
In this regard, how much is 1000 oz of gold worth?(Kitco News) - Close to 1,000 ounces of gold, worth about .3 million dollars, has been recovered from an 1857 shipwreck off the coast of South Carolina.
What price is gold today?
Gold Rate In Andhra Pradesh Today
Today (04 Mar 2020) Rate Change Standard Gold (22 K) ( 1 gram ) ₹ 4,153 ₹ 139 ↑ Standard Gold (22 K) ( 8 grams ) ₹ 33,224 ₹ 1,112 ↑ Pure Gold (24 K) ( 1 gram ) ₹ 4,361 ₹ 146 ↑ Pure Gold (24 K) ( 8 grams ) ₹ 34,888 ₹ 1,168 ↑
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This page shows discussions around "What is the market value of gold per ounce?"