• Discussion Fanatics

    Apples that are green have a more pronounced tart and less sweet flavor than red varieties. If you love apples of all types, green varieties have their place. They taste great when eaten raw and fresh, just as a snack.

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    List of Only Green Apples

    • Granny Smith. No green apple has a more well-known name than the Granny Smith apple.
    • Crispin. The Crispin apple – also known as the “Mutsu” – has a green to light-green color.
    • Shizuka.
    • Pippin.

    Beside above, what Apple is similar to Granny Smith? KEY:

    APPLE TYPE COMMENTS Fuji Sweet,crisp,juicy Gala Mild,sweet,crisp Golden Delicious Sweet, juicy, best all-purpose Granny Smith Tart, crisp, juicy, great in salads
    Also know, how many kind of apples are there?

    2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States. 7,500 varieties of apples are grown throughout the world. 100 varieties of apples are grown commercially in the United States.

    Which apple is best green or red?

    Also green apples contain more Iron, Potassium, Protein than red apple. The health benefit differences are negligible. However, green apples may contain slightly more fiber and less carbohydrates and sugar than red apples. If you want to include more antioxidants in your diet, then red apples must be your preference.

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food and drink desserts and baking granny smith apples green apples green granny

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