• Discussion Fanatics

    English Language Learners Definition of worthwhile

    : worth doing or getting : good enough, important enough, etc., to be worth spending time, effort, or money on.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    make something worth ones while. Compensate one for ones time or efforts, as in If you take care of our yard while were away, Ill make it worth your while. [Mid-1800s] Both usages employ while in the sense of “a period of time spent.”

    Additionally, what is the mean of worth? The noun worth refers to the monetary value of something. The noun worth also means the inherent value of something based on the qualities of excellence, usefulness or importance.

    People also ask, what does worthwhile mean in a sentence?

    worth·while. Use worthwhile in a sentence. adjective. The definition of worthwhile is important enough to put your time and energy into it. An example of worthwhile is donating your time to build houses for Habitat for Humanity.

    What is worthwhile in life?

    If you get a general feeling of well-being and happiness most of the time when you think of your day, you have found your purpose and are leading a worthwhile life. It doesnt matter what the purpose is so long as it translates into making our lives and those of others worthwhile and happy..

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personal finance frugal living worthwhile worth time language learners noun worth

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