• Discussion Fanatics

    Probably lasts about the same, but is way cheaper and easier to find. Stick with hard cheeses. Soft cheeses made for full refrigeration can go real bad real fast when unrefrigerated. Hard cheese is probably better, but I've also taken Babybel out to Bishop for a 4-day trip and it lasted fine, despite the heat.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Babybel has Original, Sharp Original, Light, Bonbel, White Cheddar, Cheddar, or Gouda. Anyway, if its soft/medium soft. Dont eat it if its expired. If its hard cheese, you can just cut off the mold and its perfectly fine to eat.

    Additionally, how long does babybel cheese last out of the fridge? about two hours

    Herein, can I eat an unrefrigerated babybel?

    Like most cheeses, Mini Babybel® needs to be kept refrigerated. However, it may be stored unrefrigerated at a room temperature of 20 degrees Celsius for several hours, such as in your lunch box.

    Is babybel cheese shelf stable?

    Zingg Swiss processed cheese and Laughing Cow will keep for many days. Babybel and Bonbel waxed cheeses will last over a week. Vacuum packed skim mozzarella will last 10 days in 90°F weather. You can also buy Brie and Camembert by Danesborg that is in shelf stable packaging and will keep indefinitely.

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food and drink desserts and baking babybel cheese babybel cheese sharp original white cheddar

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