• Discussion Fanatics

    • Ecuador is located in Americas.

    • With the Pacific Ocean to the west and Peru to the west, Ecuador is a country in South America. Ecuador’s GPS coordinates are comprised of two points: a latitude and a longitude. Latitudinal coordinates express whether a point is above or below the equator. Longitudinal positions depict if the locale is in the eastern or the western hemisphere.

    • The latitude of Ecuador is 1.8312° S, meaning Ecuador is situated below the equator, indicated by the letter S. The longitude of Ecuador is 78.1834° W, which places this country in the western hemisphere.

    • The northernmost point of Ecuador is up for debate. In terms of the mainland of Ecuador, the country’s furthest northern point is located in the province of Esmeraldas. This point is at a latitude of 01°40' N. There’s another very northern point only one minute more north than Esmeraldas Province, and this point is situated on Darwin Island at a coordinate of 01°41' N. In the south, Ecuador’s furthest point is in the canton, or state, of Chinchipe. With a latitudinal coordinate of 05°00' S, the southernmost point of Ecuador is along the country’s border with Peru.

    • In the east, Ecuador reaches as far as a longitude of 75°15' W. The easternmost point of this country is located along the Peruvian-Ecuadorian border, more specifically in the Orellana Province. To the west, Ecuador’s furthest point is a similar situation to the northernmost point in that there are two viable candidates. On Ecuador’s mainland, the most northern point is in the town of Cabo Pasado, with a coordinate of 80°05' W. Looking at the islands of Ecuador, Fernandina Island in the Galapagos Islands is the northernmost point. Fernandina has a longitude of 92°01' W.

    • Ecuador is 332 miles wide and 209 miles long. The total area of Ecuador is a grand sum of 109,483 square miles. Ecuador is 2.37% water and 97.3% of land. In terms of actual numbers, there are 2,595 square miles of water and 106,888 square miles of land in Ecuador. Regarding the total area, Ecuador ranks as the 73rd largest country in the world.

    • Ecuador has the 69th largest population in the world. As of 2018, there are approximately 16,976,590 people who reside in the country. As the 153rd most densely populated country, Ecuador’s population density is 155, meaning for every square mile of land or water, roughly 155 people are occupying the space.

Where is it?

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