• Discussion Fanatics

    A Good-quality Casaba melon will be fairly large and firm with a small amount of softness at the stem end. The coloring will be rich yellow with very little green on the skin. The rind will be ridged when the melon has been allowed to ripen on the vine and the skin will have a slightly waxy feel when the melon is ripe.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    The casaba melon is slightly oval shaped and has a bright yellow rind profusely marked with deep wrinkles. Inside, the flesh of the casaba melon is a light whitish yellow and juicy with mildly sweet, almost cucumber-like flavor.

    Likewise, how long does it take for a melon to ripen? They require high temperatures exceeding 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the growing season. Cantaloupes, also called muskmelons, take 35 to 45 days to ripen after the flower has been pollinated. Higher temperatures mean a shorter ripening time. Cantaloupe vines normally take 90 days to grow from seed to ripe fruit.

    Then, how do you know when a lemon drop melon is ripe?

    Kandy Lemondrop melons are deemed ripe when they are picked, though there are varying degrees of ripeness. If you like your melon a little more ripe, look for webbing that is darker brown with no green between the sutures.

    How can you tell when a watermelon is ready to be cut?

    Look at its belly: Watermelons have an underside, or belly, which is in contact with the ground throughout its growth, called a field spot. This spot on a ripe watermelon will be yellowish (sometimes referred to as buttery), and not white, which indicates an unripe melon.

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casaba melon melon ripe casaba good-quality casaba

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