It is a simple European style.
Is a lectern the same as a podium?
A lectern is the slant-topped high desk that you as the speaker stand behind and use when reading your presentation notes. To remember lectern, think lecture. A podium is a raised platform on which a speaker stands during a presentation. To remember podium think podiatrist – which is a foot doctor.
A podium (plural podiums or podia) is a platform used to raise something to a short distance above its surroundings. It derives from the Greek πόδι (foot). In architecture a building can rest on a large podium.
Also Know, what does a lectern look like? A lectern (from the Latin lectus, past participle of legere, to read) is a reading desk, with a slanted top, usually placed on a stand or affixed to some other form of support, on which documents or books are placed as support for reading aloud, as in a scripture reading, lecture, or sermon.
Keeping this in view, what is a lectern in Minecraft?
A lectern is a librarians job site block found in villages. It is used to hold books for multiple players to read in multiplayer.
What is the top of a lectern called?
A Podium Is the Same Thing as a Lectern But it is also a podium. The word comes from the Latin word podium, and traces back to the Greek word podion meaning base. Podion in turn comes from the Greek pod- (or pous), meaning foot, which we see in the word podiatrist.
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