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    100% Merchandise Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the merchandise you purchased from Sam's Club, whether in-Club or online, we'll replace it or provide a refund in most cases. Some products have different policies, requirements and restrictions associated with them.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    For items returned to a Sams Club location, youll receive credit or cash in the original form of payment or a Sams shopping card unless prohibited or restricted by law or regulations. For items returned through the SamsClub.com process, youll receive credit to the account that was charged at the time of purchase.

    Additionally, how does Sams Club warranty work? Sams Club products are backed by our Satisfaction Guarantee and usually a Manufacturers Warranty. For eligible products, we also offer extended warranty from Square Trade. After 30 days, extended warranties are no longer available.

    how long do you have to return something at Sams Club?

    Sams Club Contacts Satisfaction Guarantee We offer a 30-day no-questions return policy on all unopened products. If you are unhappy for any reason, simply return all products in their original packages and we will exchange the product, or refund all charges (except shipping) at your option.

    Does Sams Club refund if price drops?

    If you register your purchase, theyll track the price for 60 days and issue a refund if a cheaper price is found (or you can request one if you find a cheaper price).

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