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    Coriander (Engl.) In the Philippines, the Coriandum sativum plant is often mistakenly referred to as kulantro instead of cilantro, perhaps, a phonetically induced misapplication of a common name. Culantro / Kulantro is the common name for Eryngium foetidum (Sawtooth coriander).

  • While both come from the same plant, they have different uses and tastes. Cilantro is the the leaves and stems of the coriander plant. When the plant flowers and turns seed the seeds are called coriander seeds. In many Asian recipes cilantro might be referred to as Chinese Parsley or coriander leaves.

    Also Know, what is cilantro Australia? Cilantro is a herb that is used in many different cuisines around the world and has a very distinct taste. In Australia, it is generally referred to as coriander, as it comes from the coriander plant.

    Herein, what is the local name for coriander?

    Cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander, also deriving from coriandrum. It is the common term in American English for coriander leaves, due to their extensive use in Mexican cuisine. Both cilantro and coriander are understood in Canada though the seeds are always called coriander.

    Whats the difference between parsley and cilantro?

    Cilantro and parsley can look pretty similar, but theyre very different herbs. Cilantro is a powerful herb with curved leaves, while parsley has a more delicate flavor and pointed leaves. You can use the leaves, the smell of both herbs, or a helpful store employee to ensure that you get the right herb for your recipe.

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food and drink cooking cilantro coriander leaves cilantro australia parsley

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