• Discussion Fanatics

    The symbol for bromine is Br. And forbarium is Ba.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    Barium. Barium is a chemical element with thesymbol Ba and atomic number 56. It is the fifthelement in group 2 and is a soft, silvery alkaline earthmetal.

    Additionally, what is bromine used for? It is toxic. Bromine is used in many areassuch as agricultural chemicals, dyestuffs, insecticides,pharmaceuticals and chemical intermediates. Some uses are beingphased out for environmental reasons, but new uses continue to befound. Bromine compounds can be used as flameretardants.

    Also Know, what is bromine and barium for?

    Uses. Barium bromide is a precursor tochemicals used in photography and to other bromides.Historically, barium bromide was used to purifyradium in a process of fractional crystallization devised by MarieCurie.

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This page shows discussions around "What does BR and BA mean on the periodic table?"


science chemistry bromine barium barium bromide breaking bad chemical

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