If you have dirty coins, Rules # 1 through 100 are DO NOT TRY TO CLEAN THEM AT HOME. Any household chemicals you might use will damage the coin itself and significantly reduce its value. The most you should do is to dab a dirty coin with some distilled water and a soft cloth. If you have a coin known to be valuable that is encrusted in dirt or other crud, youll need to contact a coin dealer about finding a company that specializes in cleaning. They have the right tools and techniques to avoid damage. Such a firm was used to remove 150 years of ocean grot from the coins found on the S.S. Pacific, for example.
Should I carpet clean or stretch first?
Your first inclination may be that cleaning the carpets after stretching will cause the wrinkles to return. This is a common myth. It is actually wiser to stretch your carpets before getting them cleaned, as it makes it easier to give the carpet a complete cleaning. Let us take a look further into why.
It is better for you to have your carpet stretched by a carpet repair professional before you have it cleaned. Cleaning loosens the carpet. Your carpet will be more difficult to clean if it is loose.
Also Know, how much does it cost to stretch and clean carpet? Carpet Stretching Cost Estimates Prices for carpet re-stretching, carried out by a professional using a power stretcher, start at sh.30 per square foot ( per hour) with prices rising to sh.50 or more if there is a lot of furniture to be cleared first. You can expect a minimum call out charge of .
Just so, do you need to stretch carpet?
A carpet with no cuts or damage can still require a stretching. If you look down at the carpet, it may have visible lumps and wrinkles from years of use. For example, moving a long-standing piece of heavy furniture to another area can cause the carpet to warp in the original area.
Does Stanley Steemer do carpet stretching?
This is usually a sign that the carpet was in need of re-stretching prior to the carpet cleaning. If these ripples do not go away after it is completely dry, please contact Stanley Steemer at 1-800-STEEMER (1-800-783-3637) as soon as possible.
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