• Discussion Fanatics

    A motif is a recurring idea or concept throughout a text. A symbol is an object that represents something it is not. A common example is that a heart is a symbol for love.

  • Discussion Fanatics

    In a literary work, a motif can be seen as an image, sound, action, or other figure that has a symbolic significance, and contributes toward the development of a theme. In a literary piece, a motif is a recurrent image, idea, or symbol that develops or explains a theme, while a theme is a central idea or message.

    Subsequently, question is, what is a symbol or motif? A symbol is an object, a picture, a written word, or a sound that is used to represent something. A symbol can be repeated once or twice, while a motif is constantly repeated. 3. A symbol can help in the understanding of an idea or thing, while a motif can help indicate what the literary work or piece is all about.

    People also ask, how do you identify motifs in literature?

    A motif is a recurring narrative element with symbolic significance. If you spot a symbol, concept, or plot structure that surfaces repeatedly in the text, youre probably dealing with a motif. They must be related to the central idea of the work, and they always end up reinforcing the authors overall message.

    What is the general motif of the picture?

    A motif is a symbolic image or idea that appears frequently in a story. Motifs can be symbols, sounds, actions, ideas, or words. Motifs strengthen a story by adding images and ideas to the theme present throughout the narrative.

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motif symbol idea theme central idea

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