Where is Denmark?
Denmark is located in Europe.
Denmark is a peninsular European nation nestled among the Baltic and North Seas and multiple neighboring countries including Sweden, Germany, and Norway, Officially called the Kingdom of Denmark, the country is a member of Scandinavia and includes Greenland, the Faroe islands and an archipelago consisting of over 400 small islands.
The mainland of Denmark itself claims over 16,000 square miles, but altogether the totality of Denmark’s size is almost nine hundred thousand square miles including Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
The mainland of Denmark is a mostly flat region, marked by uniformly low sea levels across the majority of the expanse except for one small hilly area. With the highest point above sea level of 560 feet and the lowest point just over 20 feet below sea level, Denmark bears a fairly consistent topography along most of its main peninsula, Jutland.
Perhaps one of the most notable geographical features of Jutland is the myriad fjords speckled along the coastline, with the largest fjord resting along the northern edge of the main peninsula of Denmark. More than ten rivers provide drainage, with the longest reaching a length of nearly one hundred miles.
In addition to its unique array of fjords and broad expanses of plain regions, Denmark also features multiple beachy areas along its extensive coastline, which runs an impressive 4,500-mile length. Featuring a generally temperate climate, Denmark boasts mild, cool summers for the most part and colder winters, though some regions of Denmark claim hotter summers more suitable for visitors looking for an overseas escape.
The nearest island to the main peninsular region Jutland is Bornholm, which lies between neighboring countries Poland and Sweden.
Though relatively small, Denmark claims a high population density at nearly six millions citizens, with only about fifty thousand of those living in the Faroe Islands and Greenland, respectively. The largest city, Copenhagen, is also its capital and rests on the main peninsula Jutland. Denmark’s official language is Danish, though German and Greenlandic are also recognized languages.
With a rich cultural and political background and a unique geographical situation amongst myriad major world player, Denmark boasts a comparatively high living standard. Their economic development and social status among European and global nations have gained them much recognition, claiming a position at the top of the list when it comes to myriad metrics about social provisions and satisfaction, income rates and international performance metrics.
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