There are 30 dynasties (31 if you include Cleopatra, who ended the dynastic system) in ancient Egypt containing about 332 known Pharaohs. This number is a rough estimate as there may be Pharaohs that have not been discovered, and some scholars do not agree on whether or not advisors that served during occasional lapses between Pharaohs should count. The term Pharaoh did not originate in Egypt and was not consistently used until the 12th dynasty.
Holidays in Egypt
There are around 19 holidays observed in Egypt.
Here is the list of holidays in 2021
- Thursday Jan 07, 2021 Coptic Christmas is a National Holiday
- Thursday Jan 28, 2021 Revolution Day January 25 (in lieu) is a National Holiday
- Sunday Apr 25, 2021 Sinai Liberation Day is a National Holiday
- Saturday May 01, 2021 Labour Day is a National Holiday (International Workers Day)
- Sunday May 02, 2021 Coptic Easter Sunday is a National Holiday
- Monday May 03, 2021 Sham El Nessim is a National Holiday (Monday after Orthodox Easter. Spring Festival)
- Thursday May 13, 2021 End of Ramadan is a National Holiday (Eid Al Fitr)
- Friday May 14, 2021 End of Ramadan Day 2 is a National Holiday ()
- Saturday May 15, 2021 End of Ramadan Day 3 is a National Holiday ()
- Wednesday Jun 30, 2021 Revolution Day June 30 is a National Holiday
- Tuesday Jul 20, 2021 Eid Al Adha is a National Holiday (Feast of the Sacrifice)
- Wednesday Jul 21, 2021 Eid Al Adha Holiday is a National Holiday ()
- Thursday Jul 22, 2021 Eid Al Adha Holiday is a National Holiday ()
- Friday Jul 23, 2021 Revolution Day July 23 is a National Holiday (National Day)
- Friday Jul 23, 2021 Eid Al Adha Holiday is a Government Holiday (Public Sector only)
- Tuesday Aug 10, 2021 El Hijra is a National Holiday (Hijri New Year)
- Wednesday Oct 06, 2021 Armed Forces Day is a National Holiday
- Tuesday Oct 19, 2021 Al-Mouled Al-Nabawy is a National Holiday (Birthday of Prophet Muhammad)
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