An helpful post for travelers. The video offers useful tips and that help you enjoy a long flight. Watching the video will guide you to plan before making a long trip. For instance, you should rest before the flight that keeps you fresh. The next thing is to wear comfortable clothes that make you feel better during long journey. During flight, choose a relaxing seat and pass time in reading an interesting book, .listening to music or watching film.
What is the Spanish word for greetings?
Spanish English **Hola**. Hello. / Hi. **Buenos días**. Good morning. **Buenas** tardes. Good afternoon. / Good evening. **Buenas** noches. Goodnight.
buenos días - good morning. adiós - goodbye. buenas tardes - good afternoon. buenas noches - good evening. muy buenos - a shortened version of the above three greetings, suitable anytime.
Similarly, what is the reply of Hola? I think for most English language users “greetings” as a response to “hello” is a little awkward in any case? Other responses to “hola” you might use: Buenos días/tardes/noches. Buenas.
Considering this, what are three ways to say hello in Spanish?
How to say hello and goodbye in Spanish
- ¡Hola! Hi!
- Buenos días. Good morning.
- Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.
- Buenas noches. Good evening.
What does como estas mean?
Updated March 24, 2019. How do you answer if someone asks you, ¿Cómo estás? or How are you?? The standard answer is probably Bien (Fine) or Muy bien (Very good). Of course, both of those responses are often expanded: Muy bien, gracias.
What is discussplaces?

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