• Discussion Fanatics

    Since 2010, Craftmatic® Adjustable Beds have been sold exclusively in the U.S. through Craftmatic® Direct. Their Shop by Phone

  • Discussion Fanatics

    High cost. Although some models are available at low price-points, most adjustable beds cost anywhere between ,000 and ,500. The quality of the base, as well as the number of settings and built-in features, typically increase with price.

    how much does a Craftmatic twin bed cost? Said they are about dollars for a twin.

    Also, how much does a Craftmatic legacy bed cost?

    Furthermore, the Legacy is an expensive adjustable bed at . You may be able to afford that price tag, but others may not be.

    Will Medicare pay for a Craftmatic bed?

    Yes, Medicare provides coverage for the purchase or rental of adjustable beds for home use as long as the bed is deemed “medically necessary” by your doctor. Adjustable beds are considered to be “durable medical equipment” (DME) and are covered by Medicare Part B along with many other types of DME.

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